The New Fools ... fed up with explaining band names so straight away ... “girl by the whirlpool’s looking for a new fool”....
You’re in three bands and time is tight, so you quit one band hit a songwriting run and find out you’ve got 15-20 songs ... do you bin them or fire up some friends to help you record them ... quick, capture the moment like a photograph or diary page ... then get them out of my head!!!!
Dave: Bass player Dave and I went to school in Haverhill during the 70’s and early 80’s ... that should give away our vintage! We were always destined to be in a band together, just never thought it would be 30 years later!
Pete: Met through Dave when our covers band Tomorrow the World sorely needed a drummer. We had intended to rehearse a few drummers but Pete had the gig after less than a couple of minutes! Now getting fed up with Rachel jokes :-)
Drew: We originally decided I would attempt the guitar playing, then realised we needed a grown up! I remembered Drew as he used to accompany a choir that both our wives attended. He is one of the busiest musicians I know ... but still finds time to colour in my b/w outlines with the added bonus of trumpet duties as well!